Turf Construction

Build your grass sports field with Turface conditioners that improve the drainage and stability of your soil mix.
Whether you're using native soil or a sand mix as a base for your valuable sports turf, we have the conditioners you need to build it right the first time.
When working with native soils, it's important to have a large-particle conditioner to break up tight soils. Turface® MVP® and Field & Fairway™ are two great choices. In sand-based mixes, the small particle size of Greens Grade™ holds more moisture in the root zone than sand alone. A 15-20% blend of Turface in your soil mix provides an excellent environment for plant growth and strength.
The biggest challenge with native soil fields is compaction. By blending in Turface MVP or Field & Fairway, you are adding needed pore space that allows fields to drain better, resist compaction and hold air, water and nutrients in balance at the root zone. This will enhance root growth and will help turf recover more quickly after rough playing conditions.
While sand drains better than native soils, it doesn't hold moisture and nutrients as efficiently as it should. By adding 20% Greens Grade to a sand mix, it greatly enhances the water and nutrient holding capacity of the mix at the root zone. It also firms the playing surface to better resist cleat damage.
This process involves removing existing turf and rototilling conditioners 6 to 8 inches into the native soil or sand profile.
When circumstances or budget won't allow a complete renovation, a progressive renovation may be an option. It involves aerating a sports field and infilling the holes with the appropriate conditioner. Over time, this process will eventually add enough conditioner to achieve 15-20% Turface in the field.