Turf Maintenance

You'll see that when it comes to maintaining your expensive sports turf investment, it pays to start by maintaining your soil. Strive to create a soil mix containing 10-20 percent Turface®.
By maintaining your fields with our leading turf conditioners, you can improve drainage; maintain an optimal mix of air, moisture and nutrients at the root zone; reduce cleat damage; and speed recovery times between games. On game day, use Field & Fairway™ Emerald or Greens Grade™ Emerald to mask worn or damaged areas and blend them with healthy green turf.
To improve drainage, prepare for rain-game situations, and enhance the air-, water- and nutrient-holding capacity of the soil, topdressing is an excellent solution. Over time, the conditioners will be worked into the soil profile to permanently enhance the mix. Learn how Turface has been proven to help prevent turf damage and speed its recovery.
For even better results than standard topdressing, aerate the field first, then topdress and drag the soil conditioner into the holes to enhance the soil profile at the root zone. This will improve drainage and over time will progressively renovate the soil and turf.
Dump and rake Turface in muddy, wet areas to absorb moisture, improve footing and reduce damage. Leaving the Turface in place will help speed turf recovery after a rain game and improve the soil for the future.
To cover seed on bare patches for quick, more complete germination, choose Seed Aide® CoverGrow™. It’s the best performing granular mulch that provides outstanding protection and water-holding performance.